
Women Of The World

You should know that my brother Luke is a very desirable, considerate, multi-talented young man to have around. The acid test is in the boy's reaction to a situation such as when, for example, a girl has cramps that could knock a moose over, (nature's way of saying "You think this is bad, wait till you give birth"), and returns home from her friend's sister's wedding early because she thinks she might hurl on their immaculately decorated tables. Okay, so that's not just an example. Now Luke's reaction was not to retreat, attempting to rid himself of the nightmarish, mysterious visions that most poor males must conjure when faced with the idea of a girl's monthly "cycle" -- but instead, he offered me a bacon sandwich, a hot water bottle, and a milo. Which I gratefully accepted of course, getting straight into bed. How wonderful is that? And he's only fourteen. Imagine how much more sensitive and thoughtful and kind he will yet become. So if you're looking for a man, remember your standards, ladies. Don't settle for anything less.


Anonymous said...

I used to imagine myself marrying Luke

Anonymous said...

Wow, I wish I had a brother like that :)

Katie said...

I think the only two people brave enough to comment on this blog are girls. I TELL YOU, IT'S THE LAST TABOO.

Anonymous said...

Especially when you have Aker telling you to stay in the closet. KnowwhatImean?

Katie said...


Anonymous said...

Period pains are the last Taboo?

Katie said...

Lol, no. Something else.

Anonymous said...

"that could knock a moose over"
i like it

Anonymous said...

Imma want a bacon sandwich now

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