
Back Online

So I took a week off the Internet, for experimental purposes. I had hoped it would make me more productive -- in fact I spent ages re-organising iTunes: ascribing album art to songs and artists that didn't have any, deleting repeat songs and sorting out playlists. I organised all my saved files, found some writing scraps and reminded myself that not all of my old poetry was bad. (To qualify as "old", a piece of writing needs only to have been written two weeks ago.) I didn't, however, make much headway into my work.

Exactly two weeks from today, I have exams. These are just "practice" exams, or mid-years, but unfortunately I also have four massive art assignments (worth 20 credits in total) due at the same time. Today I am feeling not-so-bad about that, as I did three backgrounds for paintings today. But don't let that fool you... there's a lot more to do.

Not to mention our documentary, which we are now filming. Apparently we have to finish filming before exams (two weeks!) which is very likely not going to happen... After school we will be going into the city centre to interview passers-by on social networking and how our lives are becoming increasingly "virtual". Hopefully we get a lot of useful stuff, and the weather/technology doesn't crap out on us.

Alright, so if I was able to exercise the will to avoid the Internet for seven days, surely I can will myself to write those practice essays, go on a painting frenzy, make some awesome design work, and I don't know, be generally amazing. Surely.


Anonymous said...

*All right*
isn't it?

Katie said...

Is that all you wanted to comment about?? It's actually a variant spelling. It's allowed!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

your a variant spelling

Anonymous said...

you're a deviant spelling

Anonymous said...

wow even better!

Anonymous said...

also snap

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

your allowed

Anonymous said...

that makes no sense

Anonymous said...

comeback fail!

Katie said...

Can you please take your bickering elsewhere?

Anonymous said...

Such hubris...
like it’s your blog or something

Anonymous said...

you already are generally amazing!

Katie said...

Thank you most recent anon. You're kind.

Anonymous said...

That's alright ;o

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