
So Today, I Succumbed

to the temptation that has been calling me for a few weeks now. Eva and I went to the cinema (with lots of LAHLEES) and we watched Dear John. Now before you judge me, I'll have you know that my taste in films is really good! It is! I'm into arty film-festival films, I like espionage thrillers, I like films with subtitles! So allow me this, this one romantic drama tear-jerker. By the same guy who wrote The Notebook... (which I also loved.)

And I'm not about to hide the fact that I cried. I cried so hard! (And Eva.) And if you scoff at that or smugly nurse feelings of condescension, then I encourage you to go and watch it. And if you're the type who doesn't cry at movies then clearly you have no soul, and I can't help you with that.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Katie said...


Anonymous said...

yeah good call

Anonymous said...

still not a good movie though yo

Anonymous said...


Katie said...

Is this Leoooo

Anonymous said...

No you are

Anonymous said...

this is the problem with anon

Anonymous said...

anon is not one but legion

Anonymous said...

Thats why being anonymous is best when you don't actually know the blog owner THAT well ^^

Anonymous said...

Or even when you do know her very well and you're just being anon to mess with her mind :)

Anonymous said...

You should also see high school musical, I think it'd be just your thing. =p

Katie said...

Omg. I can't figure out who any of you are. And high school musical anon can just... shutup.

Anonymous said...

My guess is Anonymous said...

You should also see high school musical, I think it'd be just your thing. =p
May 5, 2010 4:13 PM is Karina!

Anonymous said...

omg and how many times you seeeen new moon?
!my heart just a splode

Anonymous said...

pfft, karina. as if

Anonymous said...

You were wrong Anon! It wasn't Karina who wrote that, it was me :P

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
omg and how many times you seeeen new moon?"
You're an awesome anon!

Katie said...

I feel like all the anons are conspiring against me... I would like to say that I have NEVER seen new moon.

Anonymous said...

I have it on good authority that "It wasn't Karina who wrote that, it was me :P" is lying.
and you haven't seen it yet, you mean.

Anonymous said...

I am an awesome anon
the best thing with twilight is the realism
it could so happen I bet

Anonymous said...

werewolves and vampires are both too hoottt
they should get it on together
and I will be right there lurking

Anonymous said...

vampires = too sexy

Anonymous said...

their love is so dangerous!

Anonymous said...

it's the only honest way to go

Anonymous said...

You know what's actually sexy???
Red nosed reindeer
Just saying, just saying

Anonymous said...

sick freak

Anonymous said...

So I no longer remember which anon posts were mine :(

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