
Day Nine

Today we experienced another exciting perk of being a Year 13... our first study period of the year, which was fifth, so we got to go home early. Yusssss. Alas, for the prefects it meant we had to endure assembly first, in order to officially receive our prefect ties. I must admit it's rather cool, but sitting through the same assembly twice is a drag.

At the moment I'm supposed to be researching artist models for my design project. The theme that we must loosely base our assignment around is 'street art' or 'urban art', and I've found some pretty cool artists, such as Zilda and a database of similar styles, called Unurth. I really love the idea of mixing styles/media and using old Renaissance style women or much more recent Mucha-style subject matter with contemporary touches, such as the images of the goddesses and shapely classical women used by Zilda. I like mixing the feminine, delicate images with rough, dark textures and even elements of horror. I want to be slightly shocking but also beautiful.

If you find any good contemporary art websites, let me know.


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