
Day Four

Hi blog-reader/s. If you like what you read, you should follow me, 'cause then I'll have the illusion that people are interested in hearing about my life! And if you post me a link, I will follow your blogs, too.

Onto my day. I am knackered. In a good way. I feel like I haven't sat down all day, which can't be right, since, you know, I have classes and things. Where you sit. But all the rest of the time was rather full-on.

My first day of work was from four til seven, and it wasn't bad at all. I was flustered at first, trying to remember everything, but I think I got the hang of it. It's just remembering all the unmarked grocery prices, but everyone says I'll pick that up in a week or so.

However I do NOT understand why people would want a) a whole pig's head or b) pigs' trotters. Yet those very items passed through my hands today. Purell much.

I was feeling really good about things and it was going smoothly until just before I finished my shift, and then I got a text from my ride saying I couldn't be taken home, due to their prior commitments. (You know who you are!) So I waited for a bus for ages, only to realise that the last bus of the day had already gone from that stop, and I walked to another bus stop which only took me about a kilometre closer to my destination - for those who don't know, I live relatively far away from my school zone, meaning it takes about fifteen minutes to drive, as you go over the motorway, but buses take ridiculously indirect routes and walking is just suicide, (and it takes about two hours), going under that dodgy bridge. So I started walking down Mt. Albert Rd, and was just really upset because it was eight o'clock and I had said I'd be home by then, so I did what one just must do in such situations.

I called my daddy. I told him I was stranded and he said he'd be there to pick me up. Then I walked off my frustration to Three Kings Plaza and got in the car and Dad laughed and I apologised and he said "That's all right."

Independence, eh?

By the way, I was successful in changing my shift and didn't get throttled by my boss, he just put me on Fridays. So that's fine.

Alright, so I have to get off my dad's laptop now, I think I owe him one. Haha. One more thing for you orange Roskillians - was anyone else totally uninspired by the Orange House pep talk today? Bless our house deans, the way they rave. But I'm a cynic. I just don't really see the relevance of the house system anymore... sure, there's the whole "competitive spirit" thing, but there are, what, three events in the whole year when we actually have inter-house competitions? Anyway.


Anonymous said...

Lots of layout changes... so fluxy

Katie said...

I was searching for something that felt right. And this does. SO THERE.

Anonymous said...

So very there.

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