
This Post Is For Nandita, Who Begs Me To Update My Blog

My last exam was yesterday morning, and I now have a five-day break carrying over until Thursday next week, which means two days of school, then the weekend, then another week, and... suddenly, holidays. The holidays bring many things & people worth anticipating, including Rhi from Bristol, and Nana and Poppa from Havelock North, etc etc. However they also bring an uninterrupted window of time in which studying and painting must take priority if I'm to continue my unbroken record of excellence endorsements!

So today I'm going to do some housework and chores and tidy my room (which I seem to do every week - as soon as it's neat, it seems to dissolve very gradually into this chaotic state, which demonstrates to me that it is in fact not due to an inherent untidiness in my nature, but rather a characteristic of my room to scatter and accumulate before my very eyes).

After that I have to go into Mt Roskill to tutor Haydon, the year 11 boy whose mother has entrusted me with the task of improving his essay-writing before exams. Then I might watch Stanley Kubrick's Lolita later on. We shall see.

What are you up to today? If you had exams, which one do you think you did best in, and which one do you think you bombed?


Anonymous said...

Ever since Lady Gaga mentioned Kubrick in her song 'Dance in the Dark, everyone seems to suddenly be watching him because it's "cool". Annoying for us film buffs.

Anonymous said...

I completely agree with anon 1.

Katie said...

To both anons: I didn't even know Lady Gaga mentioned Kubrick in her song. I thought she said Cupid, for months! Haha. I consider myself a film buff, I hope you weren't implying I was one of those just watching him because he is "cool"?

Anonymous said...

I think the idea was that it was irritating that the Lord Gaga made him "cool' to people because she referenced him not because his work is inherently masterful and those people understood it to be so. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with you watching his work and critiquing it whether or not it was because Gaga referenced him as long as you don't just say it was cool just because Gaga happened to reference him. savvy? phew! kaythxbi.gtfo.etcetcetc.lolcatz.preow!

Anonymous said...

No Katie, I wasn't implying that you're one of those "cool" sheep; you're far more original =)

Yes, I agree that their is nothing wrong with gaga referencing Kubrick (good on her for doing so). If people have become acquainted with Kubrick's work, and genuinely appreciate it, because of gaga, then that's great.

Katie said...

Thanks guys. You have some interesting ideas on the subject! =P

Mari Day said...

happy birthday beautiful!!!! celebrating you- all day long today! xx

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