
The Final Countdown

Yeah so I think I just got that song in your heads, am I right?

Feeling a bit unhealthy right now after having been on this healthy eating frenzy, and then completely lapsing in the weekend and today. Funny how that works out. Problem is, most of the day is spent doing media now, which means staying seated at a computer in every spare moment and it makes you feel lazy.

Anyway, learning the error of my ways, I am going to get back to drinking heaps more water (I think I'm more tired without it?) and eating lots of the good raw stuff. Also, I should go to sleep early tonight, and not play Plants vs. Zombies till 12:30 a.m.

Oh yeah and I gave blood today. It was really smooth sailing, I didn't feel lightheaded at all. And Eva made it through after I coached her, held her hand, and distracted her with my rambling. I am very proud of her! Loads of people fainted and went super pale and needed cloths on their foreheads. I feel quite brave knowing I can even look at the needle and the blood and not be worried at all. Leo was funny, he gave as well, and we were rigged up at the same time, he was in the chair next to me. He claimed they had to get a bigger pressure cuff for him because his biceps are so big. The nurse laughed just as doubtfully as I did. She was nice, her name was Jill, and she liked me and said I had beautiful veins and that she'd like to adopt me. Leo and I had a race to see who could get all their blood out first and he won by a minute, clocking in at 5 minutes. To be fair though, he had a head start, because mine was a bit slow coming out at first. We all know who the true winner is.

So it's Tuesday night and the ball is on Saturday. Exciting. I love my dress. I'll post photos of me in it after the event. You know you wanna see. Yep.

Okay well I'm feeling generous and sort of good. If you're reading this, have a bit of my love. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


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